Secretary of Digitalization and Simplification of Processes
Julio Germán Arias Castillo is the Secretary of Digitalization and Simplification of Processes of Panama, ascribed to the Presidency of the Republic. An economist from the Wharton School of Business and a graduate in international studies from the Huntsman Program at the University of Pennsylvania, he has extensive academic and professional experience in several countries in the Americas. Mr. Arias Castillo began his career at Morgan Stanley in New York City, where he also served as a member of the Steering Committee of Young Professionals of the Americas, a hemispheric initiative of the Americas Society / Council of the Americas. He holds a Master's degree in Public Policy from the University of Oxford and a Master's degree in Business Administration from Stanford University, and was part of the international consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Fluent in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French, he is an Executive Board member of the Penn & Wharton Club of Panama, Panamanian non-profit Ni Uno Más, and UPenn's Huntsman Program Alumni Council.