Embassy of Israel in Panama

City of Knowledge




Check Point Software Technologies


Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. es un proveedor líder en soluciones de ciberseguridad en la nube basadas en IA que protege a más de 100.000 empresas a nivel mundial. Check Point Software aprovecha el poder de la IA en todos los ámbitos para mejorar la eficiencia y precisión de la ciberseguridad a través de su Plataforma Infinity, con tasas de detección líderes en la industria que permiten una anticipación proactiva a las amenazas y tiempos de respuesta más ágiles e inteligentes. La plataforma integral incluye soluciones cloud compuestas por Check Point Harmony para proteger el entorno laboral, Check Point CloudGuard para asegurar la cloud, Check Point Quantum para proteger la red y Check Point Infinity Core Services para operaciones y servicios de seguridad colaborativos.

Soluciones Seguras


Soluciones Seguras Trayectoria Con más de 20 años de experiencia en la gestión de seguridad de redes, aplicaciones y telecomunicaciones, Soluciones Seguras es la compañía líder en ciberseguridad en Centroamérica. Con un equipo de profesionales del más alto nivel, certificados por los fabricantes más reconocidos de la industria de seguridad, es el Centro Regional de Entrenamiento Autorizado Check Point número uno en la región. Cuenta con operaciones en Panamá, Costa Rica, Guatemala y El Salvador, y clientes en otros países de Latinoamérica. Experiencia Soluciones Seguras es Partner Elite 4 estrellas de Check Poit Software Technologies, el nivel más alto en el programa de canales “Stars” del proveedor líder de soluciones de seguridad cibernética a nivel mundial, siendo el único socio en Hispanoamérica en obtener la acreditación y uno de los 21 socios en todo el mundo en avanzar a este nivel.




The ITSE is a short cycle higher education institution, created by Law 71 of November 8, 2017 and its objective is to contribute to the economic and social development of the country, through quality, updated and relevant higher education, based on science, technology and innovation that prepares the human resources demanded by society and the productive sectors.

Guarantee comprehensive training of excellence that fosters, in its graduates: leadership, entrepreneurial spirit, skills, vocation for social transformation and values committed to the sustainable development of Panama, so that they perform efficiently in the productive sectors. Likewise, the ITSE will be in charge of generating knowledge to solve national problems.

To be the reference specialized higher education institution in the country for its academic excellence, expressed in science, technology and innovation and in the comprehensive training of professionals with practical knowledge, experience and commitment to the SDGs, as well as to the needs of the productive and social sectors of Panama.




STRUCTURA.IO is a low code AI assisted drag and drop platform that automates infrastructure with Finops integration and security operations in a workflow format. Visualize, speak and automate security,
Cloud, and operations with STRUCTURA.IO



VILLA-TECH, Inc. is a Next generation profes- sional services, managed services company that provides global implementations for complex projects. Our pillars of services are based to work to support you in these spe- cialties - Security (Architecture/manage/ implement), Networking (Architecture/ manage/implement),Cloud (Architecture/ manage/implement) ,Edge Data Center (Systems Integrator/manage/support), Low Code Infrastructure as Code, DevSecOps, Automation (Cloud/On-Premise) (STRUCTURA.IO).

VILLA-TECH, Inc. provides a software product ‘STRUCTURA.IO’ to help build DevSecOps, NetOps infrastructure as code allowing organizations to get to automate security, cloud, and network services.



GLESEC is a cybersecurity powerhouse delivering world-class information security since 2003 to organizations across the Americas. Its proprietary SKYWATCH platform integrates more than 40 managed services and the Seven Element Cybersecurity Model (7eCSM™). The company offers a full suite of orchestration services, auditing, regulatory compliance, threat mitigation, and vulnerability handling. GLESEC’s unique approach consolidates capabilities under a single umbrella, reducing the risks of disjointed teams and tools, and providing the expertise and processes clients seek. GLESEC is privately held, headquartered in Orlando, Florida, and operates across the Americas, serving large organizations and multinationals.

Buzwave AI




SMARTFENSE was founded in 2016 with a mission to address the needs of CIOs, CISOs, and information security managers, with a focus on facing phishing and ransomware attacks, reducing incident risks, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Recognizing the lack of user-friendly, region-specific tools for Latin Americans, SMARTFENSE came up with a flexible platform that breaks down language barriers. The platform can easily adapt to different cultures.

SMARTFENSE’s solution was thoughtfully crafted, and designed especially for Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. We tailored the content to align with the way people in these regions think, act, and feel, all aimed at achieving lasting, meaningful changes in behavior.



We are a non-profit organization that trains young people and adults in cybersecurity.

Kings Loyalty



Leackstat was founded in 2021 by Christian Leacock, an economist and statistician with over 15 years of experience in financial risk management models, and by Oscar Valdivia, an engineer with more than 20 years of experience in software development. The synergy between quantitative models, technology, and our experience, is in the core of our business.

Our solutions cover a broad spectrum, including software, economic and financial modeling, financial valuation, forecasting, credit portfolio management, IFRS 9, IFRS 13, IAS 36 models, marketplace apps, healthcare data analysis apps, and other solutions that integrade models, management and interactive technology.

Yellow Basket Panama


We are a versatile software engineering and technology consulting firm that can deliver technical solutions for your business. Our services include hand-tailored software development, security and compliance, and strategic technology leadership for your company.



Somos un sistema de gestión de aprendizaje basado en servicio web, diseñado para facilitar la administración de actividades y contenidos educativos.



We are the Export and Investment Promotion Authority of Panama.

PROPANAMA develops and implements strategies to attract investment and promote exports that contribute to the economic and social development of the country. We coordinate with the institutions of the Board of Directors, the organized private sector and the foreign service, the promotion of our offer of diversified products and services with added value in international markets; as well as the attraction of sustainable investments with social impact that generate knowledge and technology transfer, which contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of Panamanians.



Top Innovation Lab